The New York Times reports that former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan is extremely critical of President Bush's fiscal policy in his new book but finds Bill Clinton to have been the most praiseworthy president he has worked with.
Greenspan is obviously blinded by his Marxist leanings otherwise he would recognize how superior Bush's economic policy is to Clinton's. No word yet on whether or not Greenspan received an advance from S-P international financier George Soros for this far left smear job of a book.
We Are Losing Our Words
12 hours ago
Yeah, I heard that on the commie secular progressive NPR this morning.
I also heard that Greenspan was quoted as saying:
"Everyone knows that this war is about oil".
You see, this proves that Greenspan is a far-left fanatic. According to radio host and Clown....oops I mean Townhall columnist Dennis Prager, the war for oil argument is a classical Marxist materialist explanation. And of course, mention the word Marxist, and no further argument is needed. All you need to know is:
Marxist = Wrong.
You rock HG!
I'm sensing a lot of sarcasm here. ;-) Yep, that Greenspan sure is a lefty. You know, he was in Ayn Rand's inner circle years ago. That will likely get her labeled a lefty too (snicker).
Lots of good posts to catch up on here, but I've got to go to sleep!
Your words:
"Greenspan is obviously blinded by his Marxist leanings otherwise he would recognize how superior Bush's economic policy is to Clinton's."
I suspect you feel like a full blown retard at this point huh? Trig Palin laughs at your intellect.
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