Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Towards a rational discourse

Jim Lippard points out that Evolving Thoughts blog has provided a list of principles for conducting a rational discussion.

The list of proposed principles is:

1.The Fallibility Principle
2.The Truth-Seeking Principle
3.The Clarity Principle
4.The Burden of Proof Principle
5.The Principle of Charity
6.The Relevance Principle
7.The Acceptability Principle
8.The Sufficiency Principle
9.The Rebuttal Principle
10.The Resolution Principle
11.The Suspension of Judgement Principle
12.The Reconsideration Principle
13.Fleck’s Addendum
Each principle is discussed at the link. Seeing the list reminds me of Sidney Hook's Decalogue for Democratic Discourse and how far I've strayed from it.

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