Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Biggest Asshole on the Planet Today Award goes to ...

... Dinesh D'souza for saying this: "Many libertarians are basically conservatives who are either gay or druggies or people who generally find the conservative moral agenda too restrictive."


Anonymous said...

and yet that's pretty much the truth isn't it?

A libertarian is a non-christian republican. Simple.

Jennifer said...

I can't believe he said that. That's completely stupid. Real conservatives are (or used to be) for small government, low taxes, limited government interference in our lives. I'm personally all for that! But I sure as hell don't support today's GOP. Nobody in power today is a real conservative, in my opinion, including D'Souza.

The Truffle said...

Well, for once D'Souza said something that made sense. Really, today's "libertarians" are mostly conservatives who want to look "cool" and "hip" even as they refuse to question conservative orthodoxy.