From Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
As those who try to stand in thy way when thou art proceeding according to right reason, will not be able to turn thee aside from thy proper action, so neither let them drive thee from thy benevolent feelings towards them, but be on thy guard equally in both matters, not only in the matter of steady judgement and action, but also in the matter of gentleness towards those who try to hinder or otherwise trouble thee. For this is also a weakness, to be vexed at them, as well as to be diverted from thy course of action and to give way through fear; for both are equally deserters from their post, the man who does it through fear, and the man who is alienated from him who is by nature a kinsman and a friend.
To me this is so profoundly remarkable to find this sentiment in the personal journal of a Roman emperor. The notion of seeing anger towards people who are negative or unfriendly or who attempt to hinder us as a weakness; and gentleness and kindness in response as a strength. I know from experience that whenever I let someone's negativity towards me divert me from the goal of being friendly towards everyone I always in the end felt like I had failed myself and the person, no matter how justified I may have felt in the moment of being angry or vexed. I always end up feeling like I had behaved as a person I do not want to be - and that it is a weakness to let negative emotions rule your conduct. Plus, it's unhealthy. If you're angry or troubled you're by definition not happy. Why would you do that to yourself? No one can hurt you or make you unhappy - it's your judgments and thoughts about things that do so.
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