Monday, August 02, 2010

Latest discount book buys

His Dark Materials Trilogy (pb) by Philip Pullman for eight dollars.

The Age of Anxiety: McCarythism to Terrorism (hc) by Haynes Johnson for four dollars and fifty cents.

I have yet to read any of the Dark Materials books, but having enjoyed The Golden Compass film adaptation of the first book and having been impressed with The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ for the same reason as The Atheologian ("the book is a good book, easy and fluid, and actually quite interesting to read."), I thought I'd give them a try.

See here for my previous plug of The Age of Anxiety.

1 comment:

Eneasz said...

I loved the first two books of the trilogy, but I was really disappointed in the last one. I almost felt as if Pullman lost interest in the world about halfway through. :( Tragic, but the first two are so good that they are definitely worth reading.