Monday, May 20, 2024

Quote of the day

 "We have built networks for the delivery of information - the internet, and especially social media. These networks, too, are a marvel. But they also carry a kind of poison with them. The mind fed from these sources learns to subsist happily on quick reactions, easy certainties, one-liners, and rage. It craves confirmation and resents contradiction. Attention spans collapse; imbecility propagates, then seems normal, then is celebrated. The capacity for rational discourse between people who disagree gradually rots." - Ward Farnsworth, The Socratic Method: A Practioner's Handbook

Farnsworth is here comparing the modern marvel of the internet to the ancient marvel of Rome's water network. Rome's pipes were made of lead, though, and transmitted lead through the system over time. The metaphor being that the way social media is structured is inherently toxic.

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