Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Quote of the day

"[E]verything we know of Hitler suggests that, once finished with the Jews, he would have targeted for elimination, one way or another, those whose loyalty to Jesus competed with loyalty to the Third Reich. But the absolute priority given to Jews in Hitler's scheme; their place as the extreme negative in volk mythology, standing against everything the Third Reich was meant to be; their place, therefore, as the embodiment of an evil to be elimatinated at all costs - all of this built upon the Jew hatred ... that has been an unbroken thread of Christian history, not just since the Crusades, but beyond Constantine, almost back to the time of the crucifixion itself." - James Carroll, Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews -- A History


Mark Erickson said...

Wow, that second sentence, if you can call it that, is quite a doozy. I hope the ... cut out wasn't too long.

PS typo in first sentence: "qhoe".

Hume's Ghost said...
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Hume's Ghost said...
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Hume's Ghost said...

Not too long, but about a (normal) sentence long.