Nobel laureate Abdulrazak Gurnah’s new novel “Theft”
13 hours ago
"Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd." - Voltaire
"You do not understand," he said. "It is too big for you to grasp, but I will try to explain it. Barsoom, the moons, the sun, the stars, were created for a single purpose. From the beginning of time Nature has labored arduously toward the consummation of this purpose. At the very beginning things existed with life, but with no brain. Gradually rudimentary nervous systems and minute brains evolved. Evolution proceeded. The brains became larger and more powerful. In us you see the highest development; but there are those of us who believe that there is yet another step - that some time in the far future our race shall develop into the super- thing--just brain. The incubus of legs and chelae and vital organs will be removed. The future kaldane will be nothing but a great brain. Deaf, dumb, and blind it will lie sealed in its buried vault far beneath the surface of Barsoom--just a great, wonderful, beautiful brain with nothing to distract if from eternal thought."-- Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Chessmen of Mars
"You mean it will just lie there and think?" cried Tara of Helium.
"Just that!" he exlaimed. "Could aught be more wonderful?"
"Yes," replied the girl, "I can think of a number of things that would be infinitely more wonderful."
Schlussel:As I’ve noted before, it bothers me not a lick when mainstream media reporters who keep telling us Muslims and Islam are peaceful get a taste of just how “peaceful” Muslims and Islam really are. In fact, it kinda warms my heart ...Yes, you read that correctly. Not only does the story of Logan's sustained sexual assault and beating at the hands of hundreds of men "kinda warms [the] heart" of Schlussel, but Schlussel says that as a result of that trauma of which Logan is lucky to be alive, Logan now knows how tough Schlussel has it because of the hateful/threatening e-mails she gets. This is a bewildering absence of basic levels of human decency on the part of Schlussel; and after reading her final shot at Logan - "How fitting that Lara Logan was 'liberated' by Muslims in Liberation Square while she was gushing over the other part of the 'liberation.'" - I find myself seconding the question of Mary Elizabeth Williams: "Debbie Schlussel, what's it like to be so liberated from the burden of having either a mind or a soul?"
...Hey, sounds like the threats I get from American Muslims on a regular basis. Now you know what it’s like, Lara.There will be no further comment from CBS News and Correspondent Logan and her family respectfully request privacy at this time.I just love it when the people of the profession of “the public’s right to know” suddenly want “privacy.” Tell it to your next interview subject, Lara. Of course CBS has no further comment. Wouldn’t wanna impugn the “peacefulness” of “Religion of Peace” animals, would we? Now, if they were Christians or Jews, well, then there would be comments galore.
So sad, too bad, Lara. No one told her to go there. She knew the risks. And she should have known what Islam is all about.
On November 29, nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh read an Associated Press report about the apparent kidnapping of four Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) activists by an Iraqi insurgent group. Limbaugh announced that "part of me likes this." He explained: "Well, here's why I like it. I like any time a bunch of leftist feel-good hand-wringers are shown reality."As an aside, and to demonstrate that I can and do hold a grudge against those who demonstrate a lack of intellectual decency, I'd like to take a moment and remember Laura Ingraham having had the nerve to lecture actual journalists on how to do their job in a war zone, when the closest Ingraham ever got was taking a brief military embedded guided tour of Iraq. Here is Logan's eloquent response to such nonsense criticism:
[Y]ou were transfered into our Kafka-esque prison camp, which is your fault and not ours, but rest assured that we'll put this behind us by Looking Forward, Not Back ... We are sure this will be a great comfort to you, to know that we will not think of this again, and to help us not think of it again, we will make an exception to our Looking Forward, Not Back motto, to persecute anyone who has the nerve to bring to our attention any other such perfidy. With a little bit of time, we'll be able to forgive you for getting yourself ... locked up in Guantanamo all those years, giving people the silly notion that we're the sort of country that goes around locking up Muslims while denying them due process. Shoot, some of us will probably have already done you the favor of never even having heard of you, as is a habit with such matters.
You are welcome.
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Also see Dave Neiwert's take - and then Media Matters to wonder if Beck's remaining audience members have some kind of long-term memory damage.