"Kindness is a form of generosity we can always afford." - Ryan Holiday, Right Thing, Right Now: Good Values, Good Character, Good Deeds
Benedict Evans: AI Eats the World
1 hour ago
"Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd." - Voltaire
"Kindness is a form of generosity we can always afford." - Ryan Holiday, Right Thing, Right Now: Good Values, Good Character, Good Deeds
"If you took away the bond of goodwill from the world, no house or city could stand, nor would the fields any longer bear fruit. If that statement is difficult, then consider the power of friendship by looking at the effects of its opposites, dissension and discord. What house is so secure, what city so firmly established, that hatred and division cannot destroy them? By this fact you can judge the good of their opposite - friendship." - Cicero, How to be a Friend: An Ancient Guide to True Friendship